Distribuitor de peste proaspat si congelat
Despre noi / About us
Bine ati venit!
Compania noastra a fost infiintata in anul 2015.In anii ce au trecut ne-am focusat pe ceea ce lipseste in Piata Pestelui din Romania.
Asadar,ne-am straduit sa putem satisface nevoile clientilor nostrii,alegand cele mai bune produse pentru ei. Calitatea si prospetimea pentru noi este si va fi intotdeauna cel mai important lucru in activatea pe care o desfasuram.
Principalele noastre activitati sunt distributia de peste proaspat,viu si congelat pe tot teritoriul Romaniei.
Nu uita:Pestele dorit de voi se afla in plasa la noi!
Our company was build in 2015.In these years that passed we were focused to find what is missing in the fish market in Romania.
Therefore, we struggled to satisfy our clients needs by choosing the right products for them. Quality and freshness for us is and will be always the most important thing on our activity.
Our company main activity is production and distribution of fresh, live and frozen fish through all Romania territory.
Don’t forget: The fish you want is in our net!
Transport pește viu / vânzare pește viu - proaspat
Crap / Carp Cyprinus carpio
Caras / Crucian Carp Carassius carassius
Fitofag / Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix
Pastrav evisceratOncorhynchus mykiss
Congelat / Frozen
Macrou de AtlanticScomber scombrus
Merluciu HakeMerluccius hubbsi /senegalensis
Trunchi Southern Blue WhitingMicromesistius australis
nototeniaPatagonotothen ramsayi
RosefishHelicolenus mouchezi
File de SomonSalmo salar / Keta
Chum SalmonOncorhynchus keta
Skate WingsRaja spp.
Ton / Tuna LoinsThunnus albacares
whole SquidInele de Calamar
Mix de Fructe de Mare
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